Results: 'breast cancer'
- 12/16/09Scientists successfully map cancer genome
Tags: cancer, breakthrough, medical
- 06/20/09New drug may hold secret for certain cancers
Tags: cancer, cure, drug, medical, positive news, uplifting news
- 03/14/09Billionaire donates $125 million to hospital
Tags: charity, hospital, positive news, uplifting news
- 01/12/10Experimental Drug for Pancreatic cancer Offers Hope
Tags: drug, cancer
- 01/30/10Scientists pinpoint gene that stops chemotherapy working in breast cancer
Tags: genes, breast cancer, breakthrough
- 01/27/10Oxford University scientists find new ways to target cancer
Tags: cancer, stem cells, breakthrough
- 02/01/10Scientists find cure for one disease by using another
Tags: cancer, melanoma, herpes, cure
- 02/02/10Florida alley hosts
Tags: FL, bowling, breast cancer, cure, positive news, uplifting news
- 02/04/10Promising results shown for kidney cancer drug
Tags: drugs, kidney cancer, positive news, uplifting news
- 02/06/10IN womens' basketball team
Tags: IN, breast cancer, positive news, uplifting news
- 02/08/10OH organization rallies cheerleaders, families to "cheer for a cure"
Tags: cancer, cure, community
- 01/25/10New understanding of random lasers could see them used in cancer diagnosis
Tags: cancer, lasers, research
- 02/12/10cancer scientists make stem cell breakthrough
Tags: breakthrough, research, positive news
- 02/15/10Scientists Look at Possible Cure for cancer
Tags: breakthrough, research, good news
- 02/15/10TX Fraternity honors brother's mother, holds event for cancer cure
Tags: positive news, good news, community, charity
- 02/17/10Scientists discover way to make chemotherapy more effective
Tags: discovery, uplifting news, cancer, cure
- 02/22/10College hockey goalie survives cancer, starts foundation to help others
Tags: achievement, uplifting news
- 02/25/10Lung cancer vaccine trials begin at Marian cancer Center
Tags: breakthrough, good news
- 02/25/10Breakthrough in child cancer research
Tags: breakthrough, positive news
- 03/01/10Indian bitter melon may harbour breast cancer cure
Tags: discovery, good news